STEM Careers for Women

06/21/2017, 02:30 PM GMT

Duration:45 minutes


Our four hour day, week long STEM camp will focus on circuits, e-textiles, coding, and aviation (paper airplanes and make your own model kit).

The goal of our camp is to expose girls to STEM fields and enhance their interest in the topics, while also creating an environment of positivity that encourages trail and error, mistakes and redesign. We hope to offer the girls an opportunity to meet with women who are thriving in STEM careers.

Key Questions

How do you use STEM in your career?

what programs

How do you use team work, the redesign process,

What was your education to get to where you are now?

What suggestions do you have for girls interested in a STEM Career?

Expected Outcomes
We are interested in a having a woman in some sort of STEM field talk with our girls, we already have someone in coding, and possibly an engineer coming to talk with our girls. We open to anyone, but some suggestions would be someone that uses STEM in a field like fashion, music, travel, photography, or someone in a medical field, or research and development. 

(1) comment

Meenakshi Noll, MD Ph.D

8 years ago

My goal has always been to make students interested in science, at the same time teaching them critical thinking skills. As Einstein said "More important than knowledge is to Question and never stop Questioning", Looking forward to this session to empower girls towards science, medicine and research.

Tuesday, June 13th 2017


Erin Scholes


Presented By

Meenakshi Noll, MD Ph.D

Founder, CEO -

Extra Information

Session Type
Real-world connections
Target Grade Levels
Middle SchoolHigh School
Subject Areas
Not Available
Career Clusters
Business Management & AdministrationHealth Science
No. of Students
STEM Careers for Women
Aviation & Aerospace